appeal the court ruling 意味

  • (判決{はんけつ}を)控訴{こうそ}する


        appeal against the court ruling:    判決{はんけつ}に対して上訴{じょうそ}する
        appeal the ruling to the supreme court:    最高裁への上告を表明する
        reject an appeal by prosecutors to overturn a lower court ruling:    検察側{けんさつ がわ}の控訴{こうそ}を退ける
        appeal a ruling:    裁定を不服として上訴する、控訴する ABC Corp. will appeal a ruling issued in California against advertisements comparing ABC's computers with systems from XYZ Computer Corp.Dockerell said Cyrix got a check this week
        court ruling:    裁判所{さいばんしょ}の裁定{さいてい}
        ruling of the court:    法廷の裁定
        appeal (in court):    appeal (in court) 上訴 じょうそ
        appeal court:    上訴{じょうそ}法廷{ほうてい}[裁判所{さいばんしょ}]、控訴審{こうそしん}
        appeal to the court:    裁判所に訴える
        court of appeal:    《英》控訴院◆【同】Supreme Court of Judicature。◆英国には他国のような最高裁はない。上院(貴族院)の中の控訴院(Court of Appeal)が最高裁の役割を果す。民事に関しては英国全体の最高裁となりし、刑事ではスコットランドを除く。判事は貴族院議員なので一代貴族(life peer)に叙せられる。◆【参考】Lord Chancellor(大法官) ; Membe
        the court of appeal:     the Cóurt of Appéal (1) ((米))上訴裁判所(court of appeals). (2) ((英))(最高法院の一部の)控訴院.
        announce a decision not to appeal the ruling:    控訴{こうそ}をしない決定{けってい}を公表{こうひょう}する
        appeal a ruling on the matter to wto:    その問題{もんだい}で WTO に裁定{さいてい}を求める
        according to the ruling of the court:    法廷の裁定に従って
        conform with the court's ruling:    裁判所{さいばんしょ}の裁定{さいてい}に従う


  1. "appeal publicly for funds" 意味
  2. "appeal sent to reporters by e-mail" 意味
  3. "appeal strongly" 意味
  4. "appeal strongly to peoples of the world over" 意味
  5. "appeal the conviction" 意味
  6. "appeal the court's decision" 意味
  7. "appeal the decision at the court of arbitration for sport" 意味
  8. "appeal the necessity of rape counselor" 意味
  9. "appeal the radical reformation to beautify the city" 意味
  10. "appeal strongly to peoples of the world over" 意味
  11. "appeal the conviction" 意味
  12. "appeal the court's decision" 意味
  13. "appeal the decision at the court of arbitration for sport" 意味

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